Some of the most powerful videos show small kids hearing voices for the first time. First come the looks of wonder followed by smiles and laughter. You smile yourself as you watch these little ones enjoy their first sounds. An entirely new world has opened for them.
When did you hear God’s voice for the first time? It happens to every Believer. I’m poking along, minding my own business when—POW! The heavens open and this deep voice bellows, “Dan, it’s me!” At first, I answer, “James Earl Jones?”
That didn’t actually happen of course. However, a moment in my life came when I seriously examined the Bible in whole, the life of Jesus, and the possible alternatives. My conclusion? This is truth. At that time, in a way, God spoke to me in the deepest part of my being in order to bring realization to those three questions.
The Old Testament stories aren’t fairy tales or mythology. They are truth in every way. Someone might say, “Wait a second. The parting of the Red Sea actually happened?” If it did happen, it could only happen if a ‘god’ did it. Since God exists, that ends every debate. God can, and He did. The Old Testament describes innumerable instances when God inserted Himself into historical world events. Over and over, God can, and He did.
Secondly, what cemented the truth of God’s literal activity in the Old Testament was His appearance as a human being in the New Testament. Jesus, who is God, lived on earth for thirty-three years as a man. He taught with knowledge beyond human wisdom. He performed miracles no mere human could do, not even the best magician. Lastly, He was murdered on the cross. Three days later He emerged from the tomb. Who can do that? God can and He did.
Thirdly, God didn’t desert us with His ascension to Heaven. Keeping His promise, He returns to earth as the Holy Spirit and dwells within every Believer. He brings His gifts and fruit for all Believers to have access to. He teaches, corrects and comforts. His help is invaluable in building lives and church families. It seems impossible someone could tangibly reside within another person. Unless you’re God. God is capable, and He did it.
So who needs a James Earl Jones voice from Heaven? Apparently, some folks. Matthew records an exchange between Jesus and religious leaders: “Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, ‘Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.’” Jesus refused, saying, “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet.” (Matthew 12:38-39)
Think about that. The religious leaders were schooled to the hilt about the Old Testament. They believed God’s appearances in those thirty-nine books were truth. But when God goes one step further and becomes a human in their midst for thirty-three years, they fall apart. As a response, they successfully plot to murder Him.
“Give us a sign,” they say. “How about a voice from the sky?”
Ever hear the phrase ‘useful idiots?’ Let’s not call the religious leaders that disparaging name. Let’s just call them useful. They unwittingly help Jesus fulfill His mission: dying on a cross and walking out of a tomb.
Up to now, this essay has focused on the indisputable validity of the historical Bible. Yet, it’s infinitely more than Knopf’s A History Of The Modern World. Hebrews 4:12 explains why: “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
A mere history book? Hardly. God Himself has spoken.
One last truth. The Holy Spirit is continually speaking in every Believer’s life. He grows us into people who selflessly and kindly love, who exhibit joy, peace and goodness, who live patiently and with self-control and humility. And people who are always faithful to the truth. How can this happen? God is capable, and He does it.