Notice I used the word ‘believer’ instead of ‘Christian.’ Over the years, I’ve heard people use ‘Christian’ in the same way they use the word ‘American.’ I’ve even had a person ask me, “Aren’t all Americans Christians?”

This wrong thought leaks into smaller domains. Aren’t all Baptists Christians? Or Methodists? Or Catholics? The answer is truly “NO.” Generally, people have come to associate Christianity with affiliation rather than a way of life.

So why the word ‘believer?’ Because it suggests a realization so pervasive in our lives it penetrates deep into our souls. God has created a living force within us so strong we shudder at taking our next breath without it. He gives birth to a way of life immersed in brightness, leaving behind every desire to live in darkness.

A synonym for ‘believer’ is ‘truster.’ Combining those words, we can generate a definition for someone who is truly a Christian. Foremost, a believer is someone who believes everything written in the Bible about Jesus is irrefutable truth. That belief results in him giving his life to Jesus.

Notice I  said Jesus instead of God.  Most everyone believes in the concept of ‘god.’ They believe a higher force exists somewhere in the universe. They’ve given it names like Odin or Zeus or Brahma. Albert Einstein called it Intelligent Design.

 When a person says he believes in God, he’s typically saying he believes in the existence of ‘a Man Upstairs.’ However, why believe in the existence of a ‘god’ of some sort?  If the ‘god’ you believe in has no bearing on your life, does it matter if you believe he exists or not? 

What’s your belief in his existence do for you? It doesn’t trigger anything positively or negatively so why bother believing he exists?  Suppose I believe there’s a Chinese fellow named Wang living in Hong Kong. Likely, he exists since Wang is one of the most common Chinese names. However, it has no bearing on my life so why bother?

But what if that higher force you generally believe in desires to have a relationship with you for all of eternity?  Now, it does matter how you view Him. If Mr. Wang in Hong Kong expresses a deep desire to have a relationship with me, then it does matter how I view him.

Likewise, this is true with God, the One responsible for Intelligent Design. But it’s more than mere scientific design. It’s a design with His goodness wrapped all around it. It’s design with His promise and His future. Amazingly, He invites us to partake of His timeless, good creation with Him.

“Yeah, I think God exists” simply doesn’t cut it. When His Son came to earth, He told us believing only that God exists wouldn’t cut it. The Son told us to put our faith and belief in Him. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.”  (John 14:6)

Jesus invited the world to have a relationship with Him. In response, the world killed Him. Then He came back to life three days later. His death and resurrection took all my sins and wrongdoings away if I would trust who He is. It brought forth this wonderful result: I could now have a relationship with Him, which will last for all of eternity, always bathed in His light and goodness.

All I need do was trust entirely in this work of Jesus, putting my full trust in His ability to create this wonderful future path for me.  That’s so much more powerful than merely believing a ‘god’ exists somewhere?  See how it matters how we view God who exists in a place known as Heaven?

Being a Believer is first looking at Jesus and saying, “He’s complete truth in every way.” Secondly, it’s saying, “Therefore, I put my faith and trust in Him for the rest of my life.” Now, you’re on the secure path of being a Believer.

Amazingly, most people don’t want the relationship. Believing Mr. Wang exists somewhere is enough. “Wait a minute,” you say. “Mr. Wang isn’t God’s name.” If you don’t desire a relationship with Him, does it matter what you call Him?