It’s a bright new morning. April and I sit on our back porch, visiting while sipping our coffee. Seventy feet away, two sets of eyes peer at us with unrelenting stares. No movement at all except for the occasional tail sweep to remove a pesky fly.

            If I move from my chair, it makes no difference to April’s two donkeys, Brownie and Babe. I could rise and do stand-up comedy, and neither donkey would acknowledge me. Their attention remains riveted upon April.

            The moment April rises from her chair, if only to re-fill her coffee cup, Brownie and Babe erupt into raucous clamor only a donkey can produce. Believe me, I’ve tried, and I can’t even come close.

            What’s the difference between April and me? Why won’t her donkeys even give me the time of day? Why do they ignore my stand-up jokes?

            It’s simple. April’s donkeys know without any doubt she is their life-giver. They eat because she feeds them. They drink because she brings them water. They survive sickness because she cares for them. They live because April makes it so. I’m positive they are the envy of the donkey kingdom.

            Always, Brownie and Babe are watching April. Except when they’re indulging in the hay she brings them. Then, they are only engaged in their next mouthful.     

            David writes this in Psalm 25:15: “My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare.” If the donkeys had their own sort of Bible, it would read, “Our eyes are ever toward April, for only she brings the hay. Dan does not.”

            We believers can learn from April’s donkeys. In truth, their eyes are ever toward April. What would that mean for us in our relationship with God? Are our eyes ever toward Him as David describes himself? What would that look like?

            One aspect of never-wavering eyes would be living always in the realm of thankfulness. Typically, when disaster of some sort hits us, our eyes leave God and focus on the disaster. Responses range from fiery anger to deep despair. That’s entirely human of course.  

            Would it also be good for us if we could keep our eyes on God in the midst of every storm?

            The best example of this is found in Matthew 14. Jesus’ disciples are in a boat heading for the other side of the lake. Then, they spot Jesus walking on the water towards them. They believe they’re seeing a ghost until Jesus speaks, identifying Himself.

            Peter issues a test, challenging Jesus to invite Peter to come to Him by walking on the water too. Jesus answers, “Come.”

            Peter climbs from the boat and actually walks on the water toward Jesus. Then a wind bursts forth, and Peter takes his eyes off Jesus to watch the wind. Immediately, he begins sinking into the lake.

            After Jesus rescued Peter, He established the problem. “You of little faith,” He said, “Why did you doubt?”

            Our faith and thankfulness always live side by side. In every situation, our eyes are riveted on Jesus because our full faith is found in Him. Whatever we’re facing, He will bring us through it. The writer of Hebrews speaks of this: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5b)

            Lastly, we keep our eyes on Him regardless of our earthly situation because we don’t actually live here. We’re only sojourners, waiting until our God calls us to our forever home with Him.

            Hebrews 13:6 alludes to this: “So we say with confidence, the Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’”

            If you’re a Believer in Christ, nothing the world can do against you will erase your name from the Book of Life. You belong to your God for all of eternity, and you will join Him at a time of His choosing. Know that He is looking forward to that time.

            Like April’s two donkeys, a thankful Believer always keeps his eyes on his Life-giver. He succeeds because his faith trumps everything, including in the infallible truth he will eventually join his Life-giver for all of eternity.     


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