Imagine this scene: Dougie and Cindee Gangler have a beautiful young daughter named Phoebe Darling. She’s twelve years old (her preferred pronouns are ‘who’ and ‘whose,’ but that’s another story), and when she was five years old, her bedroom housed over three hundred stuffed animals, all sitting facing an actual stage situated along the far wall. After all, Phoebe was a star in the making. One day, this conversation takes place:
Phoebe Darling: Mother dear, I will not be eating the school lunch any more.
Mother: That’s okay, Darling.
Phoebe Darling: Phoebe Darling.
Mother: What?
Phoebe Darling: My name is Phoebe Darling.
Mother: Yes, Phoebe Darling. You don’t have to eat the school lunch. I will make a scrumptious lunch for you to take.
Phoebe Darling: No, that won’t do. (She hands her mother a list.) On Monday, I will expect a lunch from Chick-fil-A. Tuesday is Chipotle Day and Wednesday is Burger King Day. Thursday, I take a day off from school to regain my vibe. On Friday, Pizza Hut. Always the supreme pizza, except no olives or onions. Got it?
Mother: Yes, dear. This is fabulous. So creative.
Phoebe Darling: (waving her hand) Dismissed.
Quite a spoiled child, don’t you think? How did Miss Phoebe Darling get this way? Everyone knows the answer. She lived in a home where she got everything she wanted, and she never was disciplined for anything she said or did.
Would it surprise you to know this is how many people expect a relationship with God to be? They know He is capable of creating any situation or miracle He desires, so why shouldn’t they always bring demands? Doesn’t He love them?
Sad truth: If God operated as a candy store, we would all become Phoebe Darlings.
Far, far better for us to belong to a God who says, “No” at the perfect time. Far, far better for us to belong to a God who tells us that if we walk a particular path, there will be negative consequences.
Let’s thank our God who has taught us truth precepts like, “You reap what you sow.”(Galatians 6:7), or this from Proverbs 1:30-31: “They would not accept My counsel; they spurned all My reproof. So they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be satiated with their own devices.”
The magnificent truth about God’s discipline is found in Hebrews 12:5-6: “…My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him; for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.”
Later on in Hebrews, we read this: “…but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” (Hebrews 12:10-11)
Why can we look at God’s discipline as part of the easy yoke? Because it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Key word here: peaceful. It’s not just righteousness, but a peaceful righteousness.
Practically every person over the age of twelve has the capability of committing murder. So why don’t we? Because it isn’t right. Those of us who haven’t committed murder, our lives are more peaceful because we decided to not commit murder.
Examining those people who have committed murder, are their lives filled with peace? When they first arrived in the state prison, were they filled with joyful peace and praise? As they spend every day being told what to do and when to do it, do they smile, thinking how blessed they are to be in prison? Can peace be found in worrying about being raped or beaten up or murdered?
Perfect peace comes in righteousness. Sometimes we operate righteously on our own accord, stemming from our love for our Savior. Other times, He disciplines us in order to bring us back to righteousness. While it may hurt, we know He is doing what’s best for us because He loves us.
Far, far better to live in the easy yoke of God’s discipline. Ask every ‘Phoebe Darling’ you know if they love their lives. Ask them if they enjoy true peace in their lives. They will answer no to both questions.