Because he knows better, a farmer never purposely plants waterhemp in his soybean field.  Because he knows better, a trucker doesn’t fill the tank with water.  Because she knows better, a wife never asks her husband to do the laundry. 

Why then did God plant the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden?  He knew Adam and Eve would eat of the forbidden fruit, and He knew eviction would follow.

It seems illogical.  It seems even more illogical when we look further back in universe history to His creation of Satan.  After all, if He had never created that snaky devil, he with his evil heart would never have entered the Garden.

Then when we consider the aftermath since Adam and Eve’s eviction—natural disasters of every shape and size, wars galore throughout history, heinous crimes against humanity—we wonder why He even bothered to create Adam and Eve.

“I wouldn’t be alive today if He hadn’t created Adam and Eve,” comes a shout from the crowd.  That’s hardly the point.  If you had never been conceived, you would never know you had never been conceived.  Ponder that.

The answer lies in His greatest desire.  It’s amazingly simple.  He doesn’t desire to be the ruler of the universe because He already is.  He doesn’t desire to create the masterpiece of all time.  He already has.  He doesn’t desire to be the muse behind life’s greatest music and literature.  He’s already done that.  He doesn’t desire to build a city with streets of gold and walls of jewels.  He’s already got that in the works.   

He desires to have a personal relationship with you.  Not ‘you’ as in the human race.  ‘You’ as in you.  You.

In the midst of the hordes of people who have populated the earth, both past and present, it’s breathtaking to think the God of the Universe, the Alpha and the Omega desires to know you personally.

“Wait,” you say.  “The Bible says He knows how many hairs are on my head” (Luke 12:7).  It says Jesus knows our thoughts (Matthew 9:4).”

You are correct.  What remains is for you to get to know Him, to find out all you can about Him.  It depends, of course, on if you decide you want to know Him, so much so you become one of His followers.   

I’ll let you in on a little secret.  Ephesians 1:3-4 goes like this: “…just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him.  In love He predestined us to adoption as sons (and daughters) through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will…”

If you are a Believer, you know this truth: before He created the universe, or Satan, or Adam and Eve, or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil—before any of that, He knew He would be choosing you for this time and place.  Not ‘you’ as in the human race. ‘You’ as in you.  You.

Would you know if you have been chosen?  You would know because the desires of your heart would be turned towards Him, to know Him more and more, to devote your life to Him more and more—so much so He declares you a heir to all He possesses for all of eternity. 

You would know because your life’s actions would reflect His will.  You would possess this unstoppable desire to love others selflessly.  You would seek His will for you in all your decisions and circumstances. 

Why the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?  Why Satan?  Why Adam and Eve?  It was all about you, Believer.  ‘You’ as in you.  You.  That’s what God was thinking.